Member for Northern Victoria Region

Coercive control
Exposing the extent of coercive control in family violence by getting Legislative Council agreement for the government to review this behaviour and enable courts to consider offender history.
Family violence
Advocating for a family violence disclosure scheme so a person can find out about a new partner’s behaviour history.
I’m pressing for a national family violence disclosure scheme in Parliament and through the National plan to end violence against women and children in 2022.

Effective justice
Pushing in Parliament for a productive fix to ongoing bail, sentencing and parole leniency, court backlogs, and community corrections order management.
Workplace safety
Pressing for everyone working in Parliament to be held to the same standards as anyone accused of bullying, harassment and sexual assault in the community.
I moved in March 2022 for a Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission inquiry into parliamentary standards.

Children’s safety
Changing the law so juries in child abuse cases can hear evidence of an accused offender’s prior convictions and interest in children.
The Attorney-General committed on March 8, 2022, to look at the outcomes of a review of similar NSW legislation when it’s published in September 2022.
Tracking offenders
Strengthening protections for children from sex offenders.
I’m seeking changes in Victoria that mirror the South Australian government’s commitment to introduce a public sex offender register, strengthen online offending laws, increase penalties, and mandate lifetime monitoring for serious offenders.

Safer roads
Pushing for more drug-driver roadside testing to reduce the risk of accidents and improve safety for you on our roads.
I asked the Police Minister in September 202 to enable general duty Victoria Police officers to carry out roadside drug-driver testing.
Dangerous driving
Pressing to allow Victoria Police immediate power to suspend the license of hit-and-run and dangerous drivers that keeps them off our roads.
I moved changes to the government’s Transport Legislation Miscellaneous Amendments Bill 2021 in the Legislative Council on June 23, 2021. There’s more to be done.
Changing the law

Elder safety
Calling out reporting system flaws so assault and abuse of older people in residential care does not go unreported.
I asked the Minister for Ageing in November 2021 to spell out protections for residents from sexual assault in state-managed aged care homes when I found the federal system allowed staff options to report the assault.
Community safety
Pressing for a drug court and linked alcohol and drug rehabilitation centre in Mildura to reduce drug use and community crime.
The government allocated $36 million in the 2022-23 budget for a Mildura rehabilitation unit. I’m now seeking election commitments from government and opposition to establish a drug court.
Mildura needs a dedicated drug court

Fair treatment
Making sure brigade firefightering women become eligible for work-related cancer compensation in the same way as men.
The government committed in October 2021 to consider medical and scientific advice ahead of reform.
A fair go
Pushing for Education First Youth Foyers in Wangaratta and Wodonga to give education and job opportunities to young people at risk of homelessness.
I continue to advocate Victorian Budget funding for the development of Education First Youth Foyers in these rural cities.

Home town care
Supporting collaboration between state and federal governments to invest in high-care residential aged care so older people can stay in the communities they call home.
I’m working with Ovens Valley MP Tim McCurdy and federal Indi MP Helen Haines to secure redevelopment funding for Alpine Health’s Bright hospital campus – the only community of its size in Victoria without high-care residential aged care.