Member for Northern Victoria Region

Victim support
Providing seamless, on-going mental health support to help the recovery of victims of sexual and violent assault, family of victims who have died, and children who become victims of crime.
The Legislative Council unanimously agreed to my motion on March 9, 2022, calling on the government to introduce these changes.

Fair treatment
Making sure brigade firefighting women become eligible for work-related cancer compensation in the same way as men.
The government committed on October 27, 2021, to consider medical and scientific advice ahead of reform.

Hearing victims
Giving voice to victims at a major inquiry into Victoria’s criminal justice system so Parliament understands the impact of serious crime on people’s lives and improves support to help their recovery.
I initiated an inquiry by the Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee into Victoria’s criminal justice system in June 2020. The inquiry was reported on March 24, 2022. Thirty-one of its 100 recommendations were directed at improving recovery support for victims of crime.

Fair hearing
Successfully changing the law to extend protections for people harmed by crime so they no longer face their offenders at the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal.
I successfully amended the government’s Workplace Safety and Other Matters Amendment Bill 2021 on March 9, 2022, with consequent effect on the Victims of Crime Assistance Act 1996. The changes were given royal assent on March 16, 2022.

Help when you need it
Keeping pressure on the government to make sure ambulance, fire and emergency services are properly funded, staffed and equipped so you can get help when you need it.
I secured an extra $14.8 million from the government to boost regional ambulance resources, including extra paramedics and ambulances for peak period units deployed to Eaglehawk and Gisborne, more capacity for ambulance services in Benalla, Castlemaine and Daylesford, and increasing on-call to 24-hour service coverage. I presented a 999-signature petition to Parliament to restore on-call ambulance services in the Seymour community.

‘Red-flagging’ stalkers
Strengthening safeguards against stalking by recommending changes to a Victorian Law Reform Commission review of stalking law and policing.
Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party has proposed 43 reforms to Victoria’s stalking laws, policing framework and victim support, including ‘red flag’ training to identify stalking behaviour. Victoria Police are piloting to June 2022 a stalker screening system recommended by the party in its 2021 submission to the Victorian Law Reform Commission stalking inquiry.
Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party fights for stalking reforms

Butting out crime
Strengthening retail tobacco regulations to stop organised crime funding sex-trafficking and child pornography from illegal tobacco farming, processing and sale.
After my motion on September 9, 2021, calling for action to disrupt and halt black market tobacco distribution and sales in Victoria, the government initiated a review of tobacco regulation.
The Commissioner for Better Regulation is to report the findings this year.

Safer communities
Keeping communities safe by maintaining investment in local health and police service infrastructure.
Funding advocacy led government to commit $28.9 million for a new Victoria Police station in Benalla, $1m for Tomorrow Today Foundation for early intervention work to enhance school readiness, $48m for Swan Hill District Health hospital service, and $10m for Mansfield Autism Statewide Services.
Prevention at the heart of adolescent violence and mental help funding